Category: Blogpost
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Billboard Material Function
Introduction This post is not a step-by-step tutorial, but more like a documentation of a Material Function I created. However, it does contain screenshots of the entire graph, so feel free to recreate your own version. I’m currently working on a simple billboard baker that bakes the various GBuffer layers as textures using Render Targets,…
Create Content Plugin
Introduction Sometimes when working on a project you might be creating something useful that you want to use again in the future, creating a Content Plugin is an easy and clean way to do that, an alternative to just migrating the assets from project to project. This is a very simple step-by-step guide aimed at…
Switch When Input is Empty
Introduction This post will show various ways you can use a switch node to automatically trigger when one input is empty, a very useful technique when working with HDAs.Especially important when working with complex generators, this way you can still get a preview of your output, or even prevent the node to fail cooking or getting…
2D SDF – Gradient/Flowmap and AA technique – Material Function Library
WIP – Migrating Content
2D SDF – Basic Shapes and Visualization – Material Function Library
WIP -Migrating Content
Copy To Points Randm Input
Introduction Here’s a very simple but quite useful tip for Houdini, let’s say you are working on a landscape and you want to scatter some random rocks on it, in this post I’ll show you how you can do that! To achieve this we need to give a unique ID attribute for each object you want to…